Hi, I'm Dr Thorns
Clinical Psychologist
"I help people who've developed driving anxiety after an accident, with my step-by-step online courses"
"I use only the best evidence based treatments & my effective, simple strategies gained from over 26 years of clinical experience"
A little about me-
(starting with the formal bits)...
My Clinical Psychology career started in 1992 when I quit my job and went to University to begin my first Psychology degree (BSc Hons).
After graduating in 1995, I worked at the Traumatic Stress Clinic in London followed by the Royal London Hospital. I was then selected for a post graduate position at Birmingham University (UK) for 3 further years where I completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (D.Clin.Psy).
After graduating in 2001 & for the next 15 years, I enjoyed my role as Lead Clinical Psychologist in an Adult Mental Health and Complex Trauma Service where I;
🟢Worked 1-to-1 with people with mental health symptoms
🟢Provided supervision for mental health staff
🟢Provided teaching on mental health topics
🟢Contributed to the development of new mental health services and
🟢Created & delivered group treatment programs for complex psychological symptoms - Helping people understand & overcome their symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, Trauma & difficulties with Regulating their Emotions.

- It was during this time that I completed further post graduate qualifications and began to serve as an Expert Witness- I've met over 3500 people who have Driving Anxiety & other Psychological Trauma, Anxiety & Depression symptoms.
- I'm trusted to provide expert opinion to the court about the causes of psychological symptoms & to recommend the treatment plan I believe will lead to recovery.
- I quickly realised that people were struggling to find the treatment I'd recommended and so their driving misery continued- sometimes for years. This often affected their relationships with family & friends, reduced self esteem and impacted upon their ability to work or take the opportunities they wanted.

Evolution of The Acquired Driving Anxiety (ADA) ProgramTM
So, I made it my mission to review every resource I could find- I'd hoped to find something I could 'hand on heart' recommend to everyone I met....
The search included a poll in our Facebook Groups (>6000 people) asking for their most helpful recommendations- but there simply wasn't the 'gold standard' service I felt able to recommend.
I became increasingly frustrated that driving anxiety was overlooked, despite it causing misery and embarrassment for so many people - No matter how hard I searched (and I knew what I was looking for!) I couldn't find anything that included the evidence based treatments that Clinical Psychologists use everyday.
"As a Clinical Psychologist I knew the evidence based treatments that are effective.... So why couldn't I find these written for the public?"
- So, I got to work on translating everything I do with my clients 1-2-1 into the online courses you see here today- Courses where I share the strategies & techniques I've use for over 26 years.
- I also understand you want to get back to your life as quickly as possible, so I only include the stuff that works best - No fluff -No fillers!
My Courses are based only on;
✅Clinical Psychology Science & Knowledge about what works & what doesn't and
✅The Tried & Tested, Most Simple & Effective Treatment Techniques I have used in my clinical practice for over 22 years
"My aim is to provide courses that I would be proud to recommend to my own 'nearest & dearest' - and to help you find your way back 'to you' again - as quickly as possible"
"Lego for Psychology Nerds"..
- I've been fortunate to access education but always wondered why ideas are often explained in the most complicated way!
-I really enjoy the challenge of breaking apart complex ideas & rebuilding them more simply - like Lego, but for Psychology nerds!
- Because I believe that simple, step-by-step approaches create the best results
- I leave ego at the door- my job is to help you overcome the problem- not try to impress people with complexity.
- I have a nerdy passion for learning (always a book or three on the go) - always searching for ways to reduce recovery time for you.
- I'm lucky to live by the Dorset coast (UK) with my husband & 3 children - I love trail running (despite being officially the slowest runner of all time - like ever!) and the freedom travel can bring.

My Bigger 'Why'.
It seems to the outside world that driving anxiety is a simple problem, doesn't it?
But anyone, who has acquired driving anxiety knows that fear grows over time. Simple decisions become complicated and 'over-thought'.
Gradually, life gets smaller - saying 'No' becomes the-new-normal. The fear has most likely affected your relationships, how you are as a parent or reduced your performance at work. I've seen the huge impact fear can have, if we leave it to grow.
However, what I also know- Is that humans are resilient - We just need 'pointing in the right direction' to thrive. And, when people overcome this fear- something quite amazing happens. Because once humans overcome a fear- they have the tools to face other fears and you become unstoppable. More able to share yourself and your talents with your family, workplace, community and the world - And that creates a better place for us all. My work is fuelled by the ripple effect I believe you'll create.
Best wishes, Dr T. x
P.S .....
If you're thinking of working someone, it's really important you know a little about them -So you can decide if they're right for you - Trust your 'gut instinct' about whether they're the right person for your personality & style - and have the same ethics and values.
IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT that you also check out whether they are qualified to help you -
Please always ask about their Qualifications, Clinical Experience & Professional Registrations - if in any doubt, always check up on them!
- A credible clinician will NEVER mind you asking! - they will actually be quite impressed you are doing your homework- So, if they get twitchy when you ask - run away! My Qualifications, Clinical Experience & Professional Registrations are listed below - If you have any questions, feel free to message me directly at [email protected]

Qualifications, Clinical Experience &
Registered Professional Bodies
Dr Thorns BSc (Hons), D.Clin.Psy, CPsychol, Dip Oxon, MEWI, Chartered Clinical Psychologist
Academic Qualifications
2017: Brainspotting Level 3 Qualified Trauma Therapist, David Grand Accredited Training, Amsterdam.
2016: Brainspotting Level 1 & 2 Qualified Trauma Therapist, Brainspotting-UK accredited, Brighton, UK.
2015: Certificate in treating PTSD with DBT in high risk clients: Prolonged Exposure for Complex Trauma Processing. Behaviour Tech Accredited
2013: Expert Witness (CUBS) Certificate in Civil Law. Cardiff University Law School and Bond Solon Accredited, London, UK
2013: Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) Level 2 Qualified Therapist. British Isles Behaviour-Tech Accredited.
2013: EMDR Level 4 EMDR Qualified Trauma Therapist, London, UK
2007-2008: EMDR Levels 1, 2 and 3 Qualified Trauma Therapist, London, UK
2006: Post Graduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Dip. Oxon) Oxford University, UK. Distinction in PTSD Thesis
2001: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (D.Clin.Psy) Birmingham University, UK
1995: Awarded the Kenneth Corkingdale Memorial Award for Applied Psychology Research
1995: BSc (honours) Degree in Psychology University Of Plymouth, UK
Professional Accreditation & Registration
-Chartered Clinical Psychologist (CPsychol) The British Psychological Society (BPS)
-Member of the Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP) British Psychological Society (BPS)
-Member of the Crisis, Disaster & Trauma Section of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
-Member of the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Practitioner Clinical Psychologist
-Member of the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)
-Member of the Expert Witness Institute (MEWI) (EWI)
-Member of the UK Psychological Trauma Society (UKPTS)
-Member of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
Clinical Roles & Experience
2022-Present: Member of the Digital Health Sub-Committee of The British Psychological Society (BPS)
2021-2023: Member of the Membership Committee of The Expert Witness Institute (EWI)
2004-Present: Company Director
2002-2018: Highly Specialist Lead Clinical Psychologist Adult Secondary Care Mental Health Team, UK
1998-2001: Clinical Psychologist in Doctorate Training, Birmingham University, UK
1997-1998: Assistant Psychologist Adult Learning Disability, West London, UK
1996-1997: Principle Research Psychologist, The Royal London Hospital Medical College, London, UK
1995-1996: Assistant Psychologist Child & Adolescent Trauma, The Traumatic Stress Clinic, London
1992-1995 Psychology Undergraduate Degree, Plymouth, UK.
Resources by Dr Thorns
Driving Anxiety "Getting Started" Course TM
A self-study course where you learn what started your anxiety, what keeps it going and why it isn't going away with time & practice
The Acquired Driving Anxiety (ADA)TM
The Worlds First Digital, comprehensive online program with a Clinical Psychologist, with 24/7 access to course materials, video guides and live Q&A support
Free Guides & Checklists
If you're looking for some information, inspiration or hope that your driving anxiety can change- check out my FREE resources on Instagram to get you on the right road